Hi Kirsty,

Thank you for your email. We do appreciate the very generous support that Academy have given us and know that our parents are very pleased with the children's pictures.

The big outside wall art project with the Glenthorne G in children's pictures has caused lots of smiles from parents, children and staff. Thank you again for that.

We look forward to seeing the pull up display.

Kind Regards,


E, Glenthorne Primary School

Brilliant service as always.

JB - Principal, Maple Court Academy

Dear Nicola,

Please find enclosed your official receipt for the £351.00 donation you have generously sent in.

We would like to say a thank you for the time and effort that went into the photos for the children and also your donation to the school.

Your donations are much appreciated by both the children and staff at the The Bridge School and will be put into great use in the near future.

HD - Head Teacher, The Bridge School

Thank you!

This is a personal thank you from me for printing my sons First Communion photos in December because I forgot to order them in June!

I thought they would just be returned with the school photos before Christmas, never imagining that you would put them in the post.

Thank you so much for this personal attention, I apologise for all the inconvenience this must have caused you.

Kind regards

Helen Carter

School Office

HC, Our Lady & St Werburghs Catholic Primary School

Good Morning Kirsty & Steve,

Can I say a huge thank you for your support!

I am more than happy to continue offering you much business and seeking other establishments to you.

With many good wishes,


SM - Headteacher, St Lukes Primary School

Thank you sincerely for your generous offer and I would like to confirm acceptance with thanks.

K - Headteacher, West Hill Primary School

Hi Kirsty,

Thank you so much for the free displays! Anna was fab as usual with the individual & sibling photos.

Always a pleasure.

V - Office Manager, Edleston Primary School

Sarah and Emily were excellent - as always very professional and efficient.

Park Royal Community School

Steve as always excellent :)

AS - Headteacher, The Reginald Mitchell Primary School

Thank you to Anna and Gemma for the smooth running of the day.

Brownmead Junior & Infant School

A huge thank you for our wonderful large poster boards! 1 has already been stolen to have prime place at the front of our school. Everyone is very impressed.

Thank you to everyone involved.

Helen Mason

KS1 Team Leader

HM, Puss Bank Primary Schoo

The wall displays have arrived and look wonderful. I am impressed with the service that we are getting thank you.

SL - Headteacher, St Mary And St Chad Ce(vc) First School

Hi Kirsty,

A HUGE thank you to Steve for the wonderful quotation for our school. Of course we would LOVE to go ahead please.

I must say it is a pleasure to contact and work with you guys, you make everything so easy! The service you provide is amazing and a credit to each and every individual.

VG, Edleston Primary School

Just to say thanks for attending our Ball last week and sorting photography.

Kind regards

Julie Plumb

STM Crewe

JP, St Thomas More Catholic High

Pass on my thanks to Academy and yesterday's photographers. They were very professional and were happy to stay on when one of our families was late.

Even more impressed to receive the photos first thing!

Best wishes


J - Headteacher, St Clares Catholic Primary School